Natercia María Pereira Machado Lima

Natercia María Pereira Machado Lima's picture



Lima, N., Viegas, C., Alves, G. R., & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2017). A utilização do VISIR como um recurso educativo: uma revisão de literatura. TICAI 2016 TICs para el Aprendizaje de la Ingeniería, ©IEEE, Sociedad de Educación: Capítulos Español y Portugués, (Capítulos Español y Portugués), 10. presented at the 04/2017. Retrieved from
Alves, J., Lima, N., Alves, G. R., & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2017). Adjusting Higher Education Competences to Companies Professional Needs: A Case Study in an Engineering Master's Degree. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals (IJHCITP), 8(Issue 1). presented at the 01/2017. doi:10.4018/IJHCITP.2017010105


Lima, N., Viegas, C., Alves, G. R., & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2016). VISIR’s Usage as a Learning Resource: a Review of the Empirical Research. Fourth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM’16), . presented at the 11/2016.
Alves, G. R., Fidalgo, A., Marques, A., Viegas, C., Felgueiras, M. C., Costa, R., et al.. (2016). "Spreading remote labs usage: A System – A Community – A Federation". 2nd International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE2016).
Lima, N., Alves, J., & Alves, G. R.. (2016). Ajustar as Competências Adquiridas no Ensino Superior às Necessidade das Empresas – Caso de Estudo. CNaPPES 2016, Congresso Nacional de Prática Pedagógicas no Ensino Superio. presented at the 07/2016.
Alves, G. R., Viegas, C., Lima, N., & Gustavsson, I.. (2016). Simultaneous Usage of Methods for the Development of Experimental Competences. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals (IJHCITP), Volume 7( Issue 1,), 18. presented at the 01/2016.


Viegas, C., Alves, G. R., & Lima, N.. (2015). Formative assessment diversity to foster students’ engagement. ICL 2015, 18th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, 44th IGIP International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, September 2015, Florence, Italy. ICL 2015, 18th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, 44th IGIP International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, September 2015, Florence, Italy.
Lima, N., Alves, G. R., & Viegas, C.. (2015). Combined efforts to develop students experimental competences. The 3rd Experiment@International Conference Proceedings-'15, June 2015, At Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Portugal. .
Lima, N., Alves, J., & Alves, G. R.. (2015). Higher Education Competences versus Companies Professional Needs in Engineering. Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM’15), October 2015, at Porto, Portugal.


Viegas, C., Lima, N., Alves, G. R., & Gustavsson, I.. (2014). Improving Students Experimental Competences Using Simultaneous Methods in Class and Assessments. Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM’14), October 2014, At Salamanca, Spain.


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