Karkina Svetlana

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Karkina, S., Roza, V., & Starcic, A.. (2022). Improving Professional Skills of Music Teachers Through the Use of Distance Learning (Chapter). In Research Anthology on Music Education in the Digital Era (pp. 162-175). IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-6684-5356-8.ch011
Agrati, L. Sara, & Karkina, S.. (2022). Developing the Novice Teacher Evaluation Competence: The Challenge of Online Training. (Roza Valeeva & Lazzari, M., Eds.)Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1542, 15. presented at the 02.2022.


Karkina, S., & Kuznetsova, L.. (2021). Signature pedagogy in music education through the implementation of small private online course. In 15th INTED. presented at the 03/2021, Spain: INTED Proceedings.
Karkina, S., Roza Valeeva, Mena, J. J., & Kuznetsova, L.. (2021). Implementation of Signature Pedagogy in Music Teacher Education by the means of Small Private Online Course. In 9th International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM 2021) (Barcelona, Spain, October 27-29, 2021). Spain: ACM, New York, NY, USA. doi:10.1145/3486011.3486553
Karkina, S., & Felgueiras, M. C.. (2021). DESIGN OF THE ONLINE COURSE RESEARCH AS ART AS A MEANS TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' CREATIVE POTENTIAL. Revista online de Politica e Gestao Educacional, 25, 10. presented at the 03/2021.
Karkina, S., Roza, V., & Istenic, A.. (2021). Improving Professional Skills of Music Teachers Through the Use of Distance Learning. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, 14(2), 187-199.


Karkina, S., Mena, J. J., & Roza Valeeva. (2020). Design of Online Course based on SPOC as a Signature Pedagogy in Music Teacher Education. In 8th International Conference in Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM 2020) . Spain: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series.
Karkina, S., & Nurgayanova, N.. (2020). Multicultural Approach in Musical Education through the Online Course Based on MOODLE. In 6th International Forum on Teacher Education. presented at the 10/2020, Russia: ARPHA Proceedings 3: VI International Forum on Teacher Education.
Karkina, S., Gulnara, B., & Roza Valeeva. (2020). A sustainable approach to music education: Towards a cultural ecology in the digital age. 8th International Conference in Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM 2020) . Spain: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series.


Karkina, S., Singh, B., & Roza Valeeva. (2019). Signature pedagogies of music learning by the Means of MOODLE across Russian and Indian Approach. In Seventh International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality . Spain: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series.



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