Ana Iglesias Rodríguez

Ana Iglesias Rodríguez's picture

Estudiantes de doctorado

Morado: tesis leídas

5 tesis bajo dirección



Ruiz Chagna, C., & Iglesias, A.. (2021). Characteristics of Women Associated in Imbabura Province: Contributions for a Model of Edu-communication for Women Entrepreneurs1. In Applied Technologies (1st ed., Vol. 1-1, Vol. 1, p. 706). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-71503-8


Cabrera-Duffaut, A., Pinto-Llorente, A. María, & Iglesias, A.. (2020). Efficiency in the application of virtual reality in the teaching processes to generate competences in the university environment. In TEEM’20. presented at the 01/2021, Salamanca - SPAIN - ONLINE: Association for Computing Machinery ACM - New York NY United States. doi:


López, V., Martín del Pozo, M., Basilotta, V., Hernández-Martín, A., Iglesias, A., & González-Rodero, L.. (2018). Educational benefits of serious games in the context of a H2020 research project about bullying and safe use of the Internet. In 4º Encontro sobre Jogos e Mobile Learning. presented at the 05/2018, Coimbra, Portugal: Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX, Universidad de Coimbra. Retrieved from


Hernández-Martín, A., Iglesias, A., Cabezas-González, M., & Martín del Pozo, M.. (2017). Competencia digital en alumnos de Educación Primaria: variables personales que influyen en su adquisición y desarrollo. In I Xornadas Internacionais Inclúyet: cando a competencia dixital favorece a inclusión social. presented at the 2017, Santiago de Compostela.