Data that is used to investigate the rights of children with additional support needs (and their parents) in schools


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Riddell, S. & Weedon, E. (2017). Additional support needs policy in Scotland: Challenging or reinforcing social inequality? In S. Riddell (ed.), Special Education and Globalisation (p. 8-24). London: Routledge. Carmichael, D. & Riddell, S. (2017). Working paper 1: An overview of statistics on SEN in England and ASN in Scotland. Edinburgh: Centre for Research in Education Inclusion and Diversity (CREID), University of Edinburgh. Retrieved from Riddell, S. & Weedon, E. (2017) Social justice and provision for children with additional support needs in Scotland. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 12( 1), 36-48. Riddell, S., Harris, N. & Weedon, E. (2016) Special and additional support needs in England and Scotland: Current dilemmas and solutions. In L. Peer & G. Reid (eds.), Special Educational Needs: A Guide for Inclusive Practice (p. 11-28). Second ed. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Riddell, S. & Weedon, E. (2014). Changing legislation and its effects on inclusive and special education: Scotland, British Journal of Special Education, 41(4), 363-381. Wright, K., Stead, J., Riddell, S. & Weedon, E. (2011) Parental experiences of dealing with disputes in Additional Support Needs in Scotland: Why are parents not engaging with mediation? International Journal of Inclusive Education. 16(11), 1–16. Riddell, S. & Weedon, E. (2011) Resolving additional support needs disputes in Scotland: Contesting professionalism and rights. In N. Harris & S. Riddell. (Eds.), Resolving Disputes about Educational Provision: A Comparative Perspective on Special Educational Needs (p. 103-130). Surrey (UK): Ashgate Publishing,
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