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Clinical competencies and Complexity in students: Systematic literature review. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM2024). presented at the 10/2024. Retrieved from
. (2024). Measuring a National Reading Program: Questionnaires Design, Validation and Pilot Testing. Journal of Social Studies Education Research , 15(2) (2), 273-304. presented at the Junio, 2024. doi:10.5281/zenodo.14322668,
. (2024). A Personalised Support Centre for Mathematics in Engineering Adapted to Students' Preferences, Knowledge and Needs. 2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). presented at the 05/2023.
. (2023). AN INDIVIDUAL WORK PLAN TO INFLUENCE EDUCATIONAL LEARNING PATHS IN ENGINEERING UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Engineering. presented at the 03/2023. doi:
. (2023). AN INDIVIDUAL WORK PLAN TO INFLUENCE EDUCATIONAL LEARNING PATHS IN ENGINEERING UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Engineering. presented at the 03/2023. doi:
. (2023). Análisis Instrumental de Películas sobre Personas con Discapacidad. Revista Conrado, 19(94), 10. presented at the 09-23. Retrieved from
. (2023). Aplicación de los principios de la teoría cognitiva del aprendizaje multimedia al diseño de situaciones de aprendizaje y escenarios de formación. Education in the Knowledge Society (EKS), 24, e30882. presented at the Jun-02-2023. doi:10.14201/eks.30882
. (2023). Aulas virtuales de Moodle para programas presenciales en la Universidad de La Salle: usabilidad antes y después de la COVID-19.. In Experiencias innovadoras en la educación superior colombiana (pp. 118-143). doi:
. (2023). Capítulo 4. Desarrollo del pensamiento crítico desde ambientes remotos. Educación estelar en tiempos de emergencia. In Desafíos del pensamiento crítico en la educación remota de emergencia. Bogotá. Colombia: Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle. doi:10.19052/978-628-7510-81-4
. (2023). Características del Diseño de Estrategias de microaprendizaje en escenarios educativos: revisión sistemática. RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 26(1), 201 - 222. presented at the Jan-01-2023. doi:10.5944/ried.26.110.5944/ried.26.1.34056
. (2023). Diagnóstico de la competencia digital docente: el caso de la universidad de la Salle, Colombia. In Transformando la educación a través de la tecnología: innovación, investigación y aprendizaje digital (pp. 21-34). Madrid, España: Dikinson. doi:
. (2023). Diseño y Evaluación de un REA para la Sensibilización en Discapacidad. Revista Conrado, 19(94), 631-644. presented at the 10/2023. Retrieved from
. (2023). Failure rates in Maths and CS1:Are they associated?. 2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). presented at the 05/2023, Salmiya, Kuwait, American University of Kuwait.
. (2023). Failure rates in Maths and CS1:Are they associated?. 2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). presented at the 05/2023, Salmiya, Kuwait, American University of Kuwait.
. (2023). Instrumento para la identificación de competencias digitales docentes. Prisma Social, 41, 27-46. presented at the 04/2023. Retrieved from
. (2023). Microlearning for the Development of Teachers’ Digital Competence Related to Feedback and Decision Making. Education Sciences, 13(7), 722. presented at the Jan-07-2023. doi:10.3390/educsci13070722
. (2023). Design, development and evaluation of an intervention in terms of teaching/learning practices of Curricular Units of Differential and Integral Calculus in engineering degrees. In Online: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 691-695). presented at the 1st november2022, New York City: In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning. doi:
. (2022). Design, Development, and Evaluation of an Intervention in Terms of Teaching/Learning Practices of Curricular Units of Differential and Integral Calculus in Engineering Degrees. Salamanca, Spain, October 19-21, 2022. doi:
. (2022). Diseño de un REA para la sensibilización sobre discapacidad mediante películas. VIII Jornadas Ibéricas de Innovación en Educación con TIC (ieTIC 2022). presented at the 08/2022. doi:10.34620/ietic.2022
. (2022). Make a Lab – A Project Focused on the Gender Gap in STEM Fields. presented at the 07/2022, Coimbra, Portugal, 29 de june-01 july.
. (2022). NANO-MOOCs to train university professors in digital competences. ( )Heliyon, 8, 1-8. presented at the 12-05-2022.
. (2022). NANO-MOOCs to train university professors in digital competences. ( )Heliyon, 8, 1-8. presented at the 12-05-2022.
. (2022). Necesidades de formación y referentes de evaluación en torno a la competencia digital docente: revisión sistemática. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (25), 133 - 147. presented at the Jan-12-2022. doi:10.14201/fjc20222510.14201/fjc.29603
. (2022). Usabilidad de Moodle para apoyar clases presenciales : un estudio sobre las percepciones de profesores y estudiantes de la Universidad de La Salle. Virtualmente, 9. presented at the 11/2022. doi:
. (2022). Usabilidad de Moodle para apoyar clases presenciales : un estudio sobre las percepciones de profesores y estudiantes de la Universidad de La Salle. Virtu@lmente, 9(2). presented at the May-03-2023. doi:10.21158/2357514x.v9.n2.2021.3355
. (2022). Validación de la tipología de aulas virtuales usadas en escenarios presenciales de la Universidad de La Salle. Revista Digital Citas, 8. presented at the 01/2022. doi:
. (2022). Detectando el odio ideológico en Twitter. Desarrollo y evaluación de un detector de discurso de odio por ideología política en tuits en español., 49(Métodos computacionales y Big Data), 98 - 124. presented at the 05-2021. doi:10.7764/cdi10.7764/cdi.4910.7764/cdi.49.27817
. (2021). Development of a Smart Leg Splint by Using New Sensor Technologies and New Therapy Possibilities. Sensors, 21(15), 5252. presented at the Jan-08-2021. doi:10.3390/s21155252
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. (2021). Influence of Fact-Based Films about People with Disabilities’ Achievements on the Development of Inclusion Value: A Thesis Plan. In Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM 2021).
. (2021). Mathematics Academic Success in Engineering Undergratuate: an individual work plan to influence educational learning paths. ICERI 2021. presented at the 07/2021.
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. (2021). Climate Change Education: A proposal of a Category-Based Tool for Curriculum Analysis to Achieve the Climate Competence. Education in the Knowledge Society (EKS). doi:
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