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A sustainable approach to laboratory experimentation. 7th International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM2019). presented at the 10/2019, León, Spain: ACM.
. (2019). A sustainable approach to let students do more real experiments with electrical and electronic circuits. In TEEM2018 - Six International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality . presented at the 10/2018.
. (2018). Impact of a remote lab on teaching practices and students learning. Computers & Education , 126, 201-216. presented at the 05/2018.
. (2018). The VISIR+ Project – Preliminary Results of the Training Actions. In Online Engineering & Internet of Things ( Editors: Michael E. Auer and Danilo G. Zutin, Springer., Vol. 22, pp. 375-391).
. (2018). Using a 3-Tier Training Model for Effective Exchange of Good Practices in an Erasmus+ Project. In INTED 2018 (2th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference), 5 to 7 March, Valencia, Spain. presented at the 03/2018.
. (2018). Diseño de instrumentos para la recolección de información durante la implementación del laboratorio remoto VISIR en Latinoamérica. In 1er Congresso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería (CLADI 2017). presented at the 09/2017, Paraná – Entre Ríos – Argentina .
. (2017). Do Students Really Understand the Difference Between Simulation and Remote Labs?. TEEM2017 – 5th International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. presented at the 10/2017, Cadiz, Spain.
. (2017). Projeto VISIR+ Contextualização da Matemática em Engenharia. In 1er Congresso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería (CLADI 2017). presented at the 09/2017, Paraná – Entre Ríos – Argentina .
. (2017). The VISIR+ Project – Helping Contextualize Math in an Engineering Course. In 2017 4th Experiment@ International Conference ('17). presented at the 06/2017. doi:10.1109/EXPAT.2017.7984369
. (2017).