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Opiniones y percepciones sobre los estudios superiores stem: un estudio de caso exploratorio en españa. Education in the Knowledge Society, 23.
. (2022). Perceived openness of Learning Management Systems by students and teachers in education and technology courses. Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 517 - 526. presented at the Jan-02-2014. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2013.05.023
. (2014). Psychiatric Patients Tracking Through a Private Social Network for Relatives: Development and Pilot Study. Journal of Medical Systems, 40(7). presented at the Jan-07-2016. doi:10.1007/s10916-016-0530-5
. (2016). Rompiendo brechas: propuesta de orientación sociolaboral con víctimas de violencia de género. Revista Latina de Sociología (RELASO), 10, 24-58.
. (2020). Technological Ecosystems in Citizen Science: A Framework to Involve Children and Young People. Sustainability, 12(5), 1863. presented at the Jan-03-2020. doi:10.3390/su12051863
. (2020). Technological Ecosystems in the Health Sector: a Mapping Study of European Research Projects. Journal of Medical Systems, 43(4). presented at the Jan-04-2019. doi:10.1007/s10916-019-1241-5
. (2019). The Application of Business Process Model Notation to describe a Methodology for the Recognition, Tagging and Acknowledge of Informal Learning Activities. International Journal of Engineering Education (IJEE), 31(3), 884-892.
. (2015). TRAILER: A Tool for Managing Informal Learning. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals, 5(3), 1 - 17. presented at the Feb-02-2014. doi:http://dx.doi.org10.4018/ijhcitp.2014070101
. (2014). TRAILER project (Tagging, recognition, acknowledgment of informal learning experiences). A Methodology to make visible learners’ informal learning activities to the institutions. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 19(11), 1661-1683. doi:
. (2013). Usability Evaluation of a Private Social Network on Mental Health for Relatives, 41(9), 137. presented at the 2017/07/29. doi:10.1007/s10916-017-0780-x
. (2017). Validation of the learning ecosystem metamodel using transformation rules. Future Generation Computer Systems, 91, 300 - 310. doi:
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