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Alonso de Castro, M. G., & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2021). Most used ICT methodologies for student learning in Erasmus+ projects related to eLearning. In 2021 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE)2021 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE). Malaga, Spain: IEEE. doi:10.1109/SIIE53363.2021.9583661
Blanco-Herrero, D., Sánchez-Holgado, P., Amores, J. J., Frías-Vázquez, M., & Arcila-Calderón, C.. (2021). News media behaviour in Twitter during a major political event: Study of the Twitter accounts of the main Spanish news media before the 10N General Elections. In TEEM'20: Eighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing MulticulturalityEighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. Salamanca, Spain: ACM. doi:10.1145/343478010.1145/3434780.3436674
Henriques, J., Margarido, C., & Póvoa, V.. (2021). Oficina de Gerações. In Desafios na gestão de pessoas e organizações. ANGES – Associação Nacional de Gerontologia Social (Vol. 1, pp. 23-33). Mealhada: ANGES .
Alonso de Castro, M. G., & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2021). Outstanding methodologies in Erasmus+ projects related to eLearning. In M. Alier & Fonseca, D. (Eds.), TEEM'21: Ninth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing MulticulturalityNinth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM'21). Barcelona SpainNew York, NY, USA: ACM. doi:10.1145/3486011.3486534
Tapia-Leon, M., García-Valcárcel, A., Basilotta, V., & Rivetta, M. Serena. (2021). Películas sobre discapacidad para educar en el valor de la inclusión. In I Congreso internacional en Interculturalidad, Inclusión y Equidad en Educación (INCLUYE 2021). presented at the 08/2022.
Acevedo, J., García-Holgado, A., Mena, J. J., Alier, M., & Fonseca, D.. (2021). Performance and reinforcement of communicative competence in virtual environments in Chilean university professors. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM’21) (Barcelona, Spain, October 26-29, 2021) (pp. 707-713). New York, NY, USA: ACM. doi:10.1145/3486011.3486538
Igartua, J. J., & Cachón, D.. (2021). Personal narratives to improve attitudes towards stigmatized immigrants: A parallel-serial mediation model. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 136843022110525. presented at the Apr-10-2023. doi:10.1177/13684302211052511
Fontanillas-Moneo, J., Torrijos Fincias, P., Gamazo, A., & Rodríguez-Conde, M. J.. (2021). Pertinence of Emotional Education within the Ordinary Curriculum: Design and Assessment of a Regional Free Elective Subject on Emotional Intelligence. In TEEM'20: Eighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing MulticulturalityEighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. Salamanca SpainNew York, NY, USA: ACM. doi:10.1145/343478010.1145/3434780.3436570
Toro-Pascua, J. C., & Martín-González, Y.. (2021). Presence of Women on the Editorial Boards of Criminology Journals. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 1 - 18. presented at the Jan-10-2023. doi:10.1080/10511253.2021.1991410
Fernández-Luque, A. M., Jiménez-Botello, L. Clemente, Vázquez-Herrera, E., Torres-Díaz, A., & del Rio-Urenda, S.. (2021). PROYECTO BINACIONAL MÉXICO ESPAÑA: “PROMOVER Y GENERAR COMPETENCIAS DIGITALES EN LOS PROFESIONALES DE LA SALUD”.. 22 Congreso Nacional de Hospitales. presented at the 09/2021, SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE DIRECTIVOS DE LA SALUD (SEDISA) y ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE DIRECTIVOS DE ENFERMERIA (ANDE). Retrieved from
Medrano Gallegos, V., & Chaparro Caso-López, A. Alelí. (2021). Servicio social universitario como forma de cooperación con los actores sociales: Estudio en la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California.. In R. García Galván, Macías, J. Carlos Rod, & Chaparro Caso-López, A. Alelí (Eds.), .Cooperación de las organizaciones del conocimiento con el entorno productivo y social de Baja California. (pp. 133-150). México: Qartuppi. doi:
Karkina, S., & Kuznetsova, L.. (2021). Signature pedagogy in music education through the implementation of small private online course. In 15th INTED. presented at the 03/2021, Spain: INTED Proceedings.
Yañez-Figueroa, J. A., Ramírez-Montoya, M. S., & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2021). Social innovation laboratories for the social construction of knowledge: systematic review of literature. Texto Livre, 14(3), 14. presented at the 10/2021. doi:
Alonso de Castro, M. G., & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2021). Sostenibilidad de los proyectos educativos europeos más allá de la pandemia. Proyectos Erasmus+ relacionados con eLearning. In IRED 2021 CONFERENCIA INTERNACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN. presented at the 11/2021, Universidad de Salamanca: F. J. Frutos-Esteban, F. J. García-Peñalvo, M. J. Rodríguez-Conde, A. R. Bartolomé, & J. Salinas (Eds.). Retrieved from
Montes-Martínez, R., & Ramírez-Montoya, M. S.. (2021). Systematic mapping: educational and social entrepreneurship innovations (2015–2020). Education + Training, 64(7), 923-941. doi:
Sierra, J., & Rodríguez-Conde, M. J.. (2021). The Microfinance Game: Experiencing the dynamics of financial inclusion in developing contexts. The International Journal of Management Education, 19(3), 100540. presented at the Jan-11-2021. doi:10.1016/j.ijme.2021.100540
Gutiérrez, S. A., Huilcapi-Collantes, C., Tinoco-Giraldo, H., Gándara-Tovar, A. J., & Reyes-Barrera, D. M.. (2021). The pedagogical and user interface usability evaluation of a mobile app that can be used as a resource to guide university students to live sustainably. In Ninth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM’21). presented at the 10/2021. doi:
Dinamarca-Figueroa, D., García-Holgado, A., Sánchez-Gómez, M. ª C., Alier, M., & Fonseca, D.. (2021). The role of sexuality in initial teacher training: Sex education as an educational strategy. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM’21) (Barcelona, Spain, October 26-29, 2021) (pp. 737-741). New York, NY, USA: ACM. doi:10.1145/3486011.3486542
Sierra, J., & Suárez-Collado, Á.. (2021). The transforming generation: increasing student awareness about the effects of economic decisions on sustainability. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 22(5), 1087-1107. presented at the 02/2021. doi:
Sobreira, D., de Oliveira, D. S., & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2021). The Use of Instagram as a Digital Marketing Tool by the Brazilian Library Councils in times of Covid-19. In TEEM'20: Eighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. presented at the 10/2020, Salamanca Spain: ACM. doi:10.1145/343478010.1145/3434780.3436599
Fernández-Luque, A. M.. (2021). Training in digital competencies for health professionals: systematic mapping (2015-2019). (J. A. Cordón-García, Tran., M. S. Ramírez-Montoya, Ed.)Profesional de la Información, 30(2), e300213. presented at the 03/2021. doi:
Sierra, J., & Suárez-Collado, Á.. (2021). Understanding Economic, Social, and Environmental Sustainability Challenges in the Global South. Sustainability, 13(13), 7201. presented at the Jan-07-2021. doi:10.3390/su13137201
Suárez-Collado, Á., & Sierra, J.. (2021). What Are the Challenges to Peace? A Workshop on Conflict Analysis to Understand Middle East PoliticsAbstract. International Studies Perspectives, 22(4), 440 - 457. presented at the Jan-05-2022. doi:10.1093/isp/ekab006
Almeida de Jesus, A. Salomé. (2022). A Educação Social em contexto escolar: um relato de experiência. Revista Aprender, 44, 83-94. presented at the 12/2022. doi:
de Oliveira, D. S. (2022). A lei N.º10.639/2003: educação antirracista e regime de informação. Revista Olhares Múltiplos em Ciência da Informação, versión especial. presented at the 30/05/2022.
Guillén-Yparrea, N., & Ramírez-Montoya, M. S.. (2022). Are Intercultural Competencies the Key for International Collaboration?: A Systematic Review. In International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM'22). presented at the 10/2022, Salamanca, Spain: Springer. Retrieved from
Reyes Flores, L. G., Valladares, A. Rigoberto, Velásquez, R. Arturo Mej, Flores, J. Cesar Avil, Cruz, O. Marina, Ávila, D. Esperanza, & Fernández, J. Antonio. (2022). Attitudes of university students towards research in Honduras. In 2nd LACCEI International Multiconference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development (LEIRD 2022). Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions. doi:10.18687/LEIRD202210.18687/LEIRD2022.1.1.100
Flores-Vivar, J. Miguel, & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2022). Ciberantropología de las redes sociales en el desarrollo de la educación virtual. In USO DE LAS REDES SOCIALES EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA EDUCOMUNICACIÓN (pp. 127-143). Madrid: McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, S.L.
Sánchez-Muñoz, E.. (2022). Condicionantes en la consolidación de los servicios de préstamo de libro electrónico en las bibliotecas públicas. Profesional de la información, v. 31, n. 2, e310206. presented at the 03/2022. doi:
Almeida de Jesus, A. Salomé, Pocinho, R., Margarido, C., & Torrecilla-Sánchez, E. M.. (2022). Confinamento e ensino à distância - impacto emocional nos professores. In Vivência(s), Convivência(s) e Sobrevivência(s) em tempo de Covid-19 - Mediação Intercultural e Intervenção Social (pp. 77-90). Porto: Edições Afrontamento.
Cerqueira Silva, S., & Jorente, M. J. V.. (2022). Curación Digital en acervos y entornos digitales de museos de lo femenino. In Curación Digital y Género en la Ciencia de la Información: acceso y preservación (pp. 89-103). Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. doi:
Santana, A. Martel, & del Pozo, M. Martín. (2022). Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Serious Game Aimed at Addressing Bullying and Cyberbullying with Primary School Students. In Proceedings TEEM 2022: Tenth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality . Springer, Singapore.
Bigotte de Almeida, M. E., Queiruga-Dios, A., & Cáceres, M. José. (2022). Design, development and evaluation of an intervention in terms of teaching/learning practices of Curricular Units of Differential and Integral Calculus in engineering degrees. In Online: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 691-695). presented at the 1st november2022, New York City: In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning. doi:
Agrati, L. Sara, & Karkina, S.. (2022). Developing the Novice Teacher Evaluation Competence: The Challenge of Online Training. (Roza Valeeva & Lazzari, M., Eds.)Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1542, 15. presented at the 02.2022.
Forero, H. Avella, Perico-Granados, N. Rafael, Castellanos, P. M. Acosta, Queiruga-Dios, A., & Algarra, H. Madeleine. (2022). Development of Competencies Applying the Project Method. Application in Environmental Engineering. In 14th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems and 12th International Conference on European Transnational Educational (CISIS 2021 and ICEUTE 2021). Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-87872-6_37