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Sarango-Lapo, C. P., Mena, J. J., & Ramírez-Montoya, M. S.. (2015). Modelo OpenUTPL como contribución a la innovación educativa en una institución de Educación Superior. 2do. Congreso Internacional de Innovación educativa. presented at the 12/2015, Tecnológico de Monterrey.
García-Llorente, H. J.. (2015). Multialfabetización en la sociedad del conocimiento: competencias informacionales en el sistema educativo. Revista Lasallista de investigación, 12, 225–241. presented at the 09/2015.
Magalhães, S. Pereira. (2015). O Blog caçadores de bibliotecas e a construção de conteúdos. Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documentação (Online), V.11, 333-348. presented at the 2015. Retrieved from
Ferreras-Fernández, T., García-Peñalvo, F. J., & Merlo-Vega, J. A.. (2015). Open access repositories as channel of publication scientific grey literature. In TEEM'15: the 3rd International ConferenceProceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality - TEEM '15. presented at the 10/2015, Porto, PortugalNew York, New York, USA: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/280858010.1145/2808580.2808643
Joo Nagata, J., & Martínez-Abad, F.. (2015). Patrimonio territorial virtual en educación: recursos en mlearning sobre la ciudad de Salamanca. In AIDIPE, Investigar con y para la sociedad. presented at the 2015, Cádiz, España: Bubok. Retrieved from
Lahoz Lorenzo, P. María. (2015). Percepciones docentes y alumnado en programas de apoyo y refuerzo educativo en Castilla y León. Revista de la Asociación de Sociología de la Educación (RASE), 8(3), 11. presented at the 09/2015.
Humanante-Ramos, P. Ricardo, García-Peñalvo, F. J., & Conde-González, M. Á.. (2015). Personal Learning Environments and Online Classrooms: An Experience With University Students. IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, 10(1). presented at the 01/2015. doi:10.1109/RITA.2015.2391411
Turpo-Gebera, O. (2015). Perspectiva de la convergencia pedagógica y tecnológica en la modalidad blended learning. RED Revista de Educación a Distancia, (39), 1-15. presented at the 07/2015.
Mena, J. J., García, M. L., Gómez, R., Husu, J., Toom, A., Knezic, D., et al.. (2015). Pre-service teachers' practical knowledge as emerged from teaching lessons in the practicum. International Technology, Education and Development Conference. presented at the 2-3 March, 2015. Retrieved from
González-Rodero, L., Muñoz Martín, P., & I. Coca, S.. (2015). Proyecto "Aprendizaje sin libros". In Proyectos de trabajo colaborativo con TIC (pp. 231- 289). Madrid: Editorial Síntesis. Retrieved from
Casillas-Martín, S., Martín, J., Martín del Pozo, M., & Hernández, M. J.. (2015). Proyecto "Empléate". In García-Valcárcel, A. (Coord). Proyectos de trabajo colaborativo con TIC (pp. 219-230). Madrid: Editorial Síntesis.
Casillas-Martín, S., Martín, J., Martín del Pozo, M., & Herrero, S.. (2015). Proyecto "Lenguatic". In García-Valcárcel, A. (Coord). Proyectos de trabajo colaborativo con TIC (pp. 195-217). Madrid: Editorial Síntesis.
Ferreras-Fernández, T., & Merlo-Vega, J. A.. (2015). Repositorios de acceso abierto: un nuevo modelo de comunicación científica. La Revista de la Sociedad ORL CLCR en el repositorio Gredos. Rev. Soc. Otorrinolaringol. Castilla Leon Cantab. La Rioja, 6(12), 94 -113. presented at the 02/05/2015. Retrieved from
Briz-Ponce, L., Juanes-Méndez, J. A., & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2015). Review of the cutting-edge technology employed in medical education. 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference INTED2015. Madrid, 2-4 Marzo: IATED.
Francisco Carrera, F. J., Coca, J. R., & Sanz Molina, L.. (2015). Sabiduría y tecnociencia. El progreso científico en el sendero de la humanización de la sociedad. In Sabidurías del mundo, mundos de la sabiduría. Aproximación a las literaturas sapienciales del mundo. Sevilla: Liber Factory.
Seabra, C., & Coutinho, C.. (2015). SOLVING MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS ON THE SOCIAL NETWORK FACEBOOK – A CASE STUDY. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching ICTMT 12. presented at the 06/2015, Faro, Portugal: Universidade do Algarve. Retrieved from
Briz-Ponce, L., Juanes-Méndez, J. A., & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2015). Synopsis of discussion session on defining a new quality protocol for medical apps. In 3rd International ConferenceProceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality - TEEM '15. presented at the 10/2015, Porto, PortugalNew York, New York, USA: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/280858010.1145/2808580.2808582
García-Sánchez, F., Therón-Sánchez, R., & Gómez Isla, J.. (2015). The relationships between visual communication and informal learning. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality - TEEM '15. Porto, PortugalNew York, New York, USA: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/2808580.2808654
Alves, G. R., & Dantas, T. R.. (2015). The social role of the libraries: a perspective beyond books. In the 3rd International ConferenceProceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality - TEEM '15. Porto, PortugalNew York, New York, USA: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/280858010.1145/2808580.2808644
Santos, A. M. (2015). Theoretical-methodological proposal to evaluate the quality of educational websites to support education. En G. R. Alves, the 3rd International ConferenceProceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality - TEEM '15. presented at the 12/2015, Porto, Portugal: New York, New York, USA: ACM Press.
Martín del Pozo, M.. (2015). Videojuegos como recurso educativo. Enfoques en su utilización y propuestas didácticas en torno a ellos. In Jornadas Virtuales de Colaboración y Formación Virtual USATIC 2015, Ubicuo y Social: Aprendizaje con TIC. presented at the 2015, Madrid: Bubok publishing. Retrieved from
Martín del Pozo, M.. (2015). Videojuegos y aprendizaje. Comunicación y Pedagogía, 281-282, 16-21. presented at the 2015. Retrieved from
Martín del Pozo, M.. (2015). Videojuegos y aprendizaje colaborativo. Experiencias en torno a la etapa de Educación Primaria.. Education in the Knowledge Society (EKS), 16(2), 69-89. presented at the 2015. doi:10.14201/eks201516210.14201/eks20151626989
Alves, G. R., Joo Nagata, J., García-Bermejo, J. Rafael, & Martínez-Abad, F.. (2015). Virtual Heritage Territories: Augmented Reality and Pedestrian Navigation Through Educational Implementation. In the 3rd International ConferenceProceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality - TEEM '15. Porto, PortugalNew York, New York, USA: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/280858010.1145/2808580.2808597
Briz-Ponce, L., Juanes-Méndez, J. A., & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2014). A systematic review of using mobile devices in medical education. Proceedings of 2014 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE). Logrono, La Rioja, Spain, 12-14 Nov. : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE Catalog Number CFP1486T-ART. doi:10.1109/SIIE.2014.7017731.
Briz-Ponce, L., Juanes-Méndez, J. A., & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2014). ABSTRACT Analysis of Mobile devices as a support tool for professional medical education in the University School. In 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies -EDULEARN14 . presented at the 07/2014, Barcelona, España: IATED Academy.
Morales-Morgado, E. M., Campos Ortuño, R. A., Ling, Y. Ling, & Ferreras-Fernández, T.. (2014). Adaptation of Descriptive Metadata for Managing Educational Resources in the GREDOS Repository. International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM), 10(4), 50-72. presented at the 12/2014. doi:10.4018/ijkm.2014100104
Briz-Ponce, L., Juanes-Méndez, J. A., & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2014). Analysis of certificated mobile application for medical education purposes. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM '14). . presented at the 2014, Salamanca: ACM.
Briz-Ponce, L., Juanes-Méndez, J. A., & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2014). Analysis of Mobile devices as a support tool for professional medical education in the University School. 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN14). Barcelona, Spain, 7-9 Julio 2014: IATED.
García-Holgado, A., & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2014). Architectural pattern for the definition of eLearning ecosystems based on Open Source developments. In Proceedings of 2014 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE) (pp. 93-98). Logrono, La Rioja, Spain: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE Catalog Number CFP1486T-ART. doi:10.1109/SIIE.2014.7017711
Galanis, N., Casany, M. J., Alier, M., & Mayol, E.. (2014). Building a Community: The Moodbile Perspective. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 38th International Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops. Washington, DC, USA: IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/COMPSACW.2014.39
Acosta Corporan, R. (2014). Collaborative learning methodologies mediated by ICT in secondary education. TEEM '14 Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. presented at the 10/2014, ACM. doi:978-1-4503-2896-8
Joo Nagata, J., Humanante-Ramos, P. Ricardo, Conde-González, M. Á., García-Bermejo, J. Rafael, & García-Peñalvo, F. J.. (2014). Comparison of the use of personal learning environments (PLE) between students from Chile and Ecuador. In F. J. García-Peñalvo (Tran.), the Second International ConferenceProceedings of the Second International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality - TEEM '14. Salamanca, SpainNew York, New York, USA: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/266971110.1145/2669711.2669882
García-Peñalvo, F. J., Cruz-Benito, J., Griffiths, D., Sharples, P., Wilson, S., Johnson, M., et al.. (2014). Developing Win-win Solutions for Virtual Placements in Informatics: The VALS Case. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. New York, NY, USA: ACM. doi:10.1145/2669711.2669982
Merchán-Sánchez-Jara, J.. (2014). Digital schola: music readers as learning/teaching tools. In F. J. García-Peñalvo (Tran.), the Second International ConferenceProceedings of the Second International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality - TEEM '14. Salamanca, SpainNew York, New York, USA: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/266971110.1145/2669711.2669954
García-Sánchez, F.. (2014). Edición de Imágenes para Publicaciones Científicas. In EducaFarma 2.0. White papers sobre innovación aplicada en el área de las Ciencias Bio-Sanitarias (Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad de Salamanca.). Retrieved from