The role of the narrator point of view and the similarity with the protagonist in narratives designed to reduce prejudice towards stigmatized immigrants

Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Año de publicación2017
AuthorsGuerrero-Martín, I, Igartua, JJ
Nombre de la ConferenciaTEEM 2017: 5th International Conference Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality
PáginasArticle 94
Fecha de publicación10/2017
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA

This project tries to analyze those factors that can increase the identification with stigmatized characters' protagonists of narrative messages designed to improve the intergroup attitudes. In this sense, previous research has demonstrated the importance of identification with the characters as one of the fundamental mechanisms of narrative persuasion. However, the study of the factors that increase the identification with the characters of a narrative message is still scarce.

The present project will specifically focus on the role of two independent variables that can increase identification and indirectly influence intergroup attitudes: the narrator point of view and the similarity between the character and the audience of the message. To this end, two experimental studies will be conducted, using narratives (written and audiovisual) in which the protagonist will be a stigmatized immigrant (Moroccan immigrant). Both studies will contrast the effect of the narrator point of view and the similarity between the character and audience, on the identification with the character and the attitudes toward immigration.
