Title | |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Año de publicación | 2024 |
Authors | Alonso de Castro, MG, García-Peñalvo, FJ |
Nombre de la Conferencia | The Fourteenth International Conference on eLearning 2023 |
Fecha de publicación | 5 de junio de 20 |
Publisher | CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org) |
Conference Location | Belgrade, Serbia |
Other Numbers | ISSN 1613-0073 |
Keywords | Education, European projects, good practices, Interactive learning environments, technology |
Resumen | This article unveils a study conducted on European educational projects falling under the Erasmus+ umbrella, categorized as exemplars of good practice, and linked to electronic learning or the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education. These research initiatives span diverse educational sectors and propose ICT-driven learning frameworks that engage both students and educators, using the methodology of systematic review of research projects that provides a scientific method with clear stages. The garnered findings have led to the developing of a methodological framework slated for presentation within the researcher's doctoral thesis. Furthermore, this framework will be accessible through a website, open to all interested parties. Given their status as exemplar projects, this research has a dual role: facilitating the utilization and dissemination of the resources cultivated in these projects while also serving as an inspirational wellspring for novel projects in similar veins. Noteworthy within projects that have stood the test of time are their genuine utility for the targeted educational communities, the deployment of pioneering methodologies involving both teachers and students and their successful implementation within participating institutions |
URL | https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3696/article_4.pdf |
Título Traducido | Propuesta metodológica para proyectos Erasmus+ eficaces en el ámbito del eLearning |
A Proposed Methodology for Effective Erasmus+ Projects in the Realm of eLearning
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