Open and collaborative innovation for the social construction of learning: analysis from the design of an xMOOC

Publication TypeJournal Article
Año de publicación2023
AuthorsMinga-Vallejo, RE, Ramírez-Montoya, MS, Rodríguez-Conde, MJ
JournalSage Open (Advance: a SAGE preprints community)
Type of ArticlePreprint: Research article
Keywordseducational innovation, higher education., learning design, open and collaborative innovation, Social Construction of Learning, xMOOC

Technological advances have promoted digital processes in education that expand training possibilities, such as xMOOCs (eXtended Massive Open Online Courses). Considering the design of the xMOOC, the purpose of the study was to analyze the social construction of learning in the light of open and collaborative innovation. A descriptive statistical analysis was used, applying a Likert scale questionnaire to eight expert developers of the course. The results were integrated with a previous study carried out with inferential statistics on 217 xMOOC students. The findings reveal two approaches to innovation to support the social construction of learning and its challenges: (a) Design and teaching-learning strategies for the integration of social learning activities; (b) Learning objectives to strengthen social learning activities from pedagogical and technological innovation. The differentiating value of the study includes the analysis of the innovation challenges that the new times demand and being able to contribute with designers and interested parties in the improvement of processes of social construction of learning in MOOCs.
