Multidimensional approach to music education: professional learning in the digital age (Многомерный подход к музыкальному образованию: профессиональное обучение в цифровую эпоху)

Publication TypeConference Paper
Año de publicación2023
AuthorsKarkina, S

Digitalization process stimulates changes globally including art and particularly music. Modern computers and digital music instrument tend to replace all kinds of traditional music professions such as composer, conductor, performer. While the digital tools redesign the reality scholars are giving the forecast about radical restructuring all the system of music professional education. Following the theory of logic in sociology of Alexander (1982) and looking on the music education through the lenses of multidimensional approach it is crucial to point the strong correlations between the elements of this system, that could be seriously violated in a case of broken the balance among all of them.

From such point of view the problem of preparing specialists of music professional learning becomes highly relevant. In these frameworks the objectives were stated: i. What is the main trend for the structuring of the human musical activity in the digital age by using multidimensional approach? ii. Which dimensions of music professional learning can be strengthened by digital tools?

The methodology of the research was based on the quantitative and qualitative study. In regard to the first objective the research question was pointed out: Which correlation features school children’ awareness of music meaning, and their self-involvement in the musical activity? The data were collected by University students during their music teacher practice in a secondary school. In total 76 children from three schools participated. The study was based on the method of the survey with open- and closed-ended questions. The hypothesis was proved by the statistical Pearson`s r method implemented by the structural equation modeling (SEM), which was executed by the software “Wnyx”. For the second objective the method of interview was chosen. Nine university teachers were asking questions about the future of music education due to the spreading digitalization.

Main results demonstrated the high level of identity among schoolchildren` responses from all three schools confirmed by the methods of median and standard deviation. The analysis of the Pearson`s r results showed positive correlation, what mean schoolchildren, who are able for deep understanding of meaning in the musical pieces have regular self-practice in music. In the interviews teachers pointed to the usefulness of digital tools for making music with applied goals or for getting self-education.

Based on the research results were concluded, the meaning of music is the pivotal concept, which can be pointed as the main trend of structuring musical activity. Fostering the children` ability to understand it in traditional as well as in digital music pieces is crucial for the balance of all the cultural environment` dimensions. Consequently, the professional learning of music needs to maintain the core of artistic studying such as personal music perception and ability to describe it in the terms of art in order to preserve all the unique elements of the human culture. 

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