Title | |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Año de publicación | 2023 |
Authors | Riofrio-Calderon, G |
Secondary Authors | Ramírez-Montoya, MS |
Journal | Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) |
Volumen | 18 |
Start Page | 102 |
Páginas | 102-120 |
Fecha de publicación | 25/09/23 |
Type of Article | Journal |
Keywords | educational innovation, Higher Education, mediation, model, online learning, Systematic literature review |
Resumen | With the advent of information and communication technologies, the implementation of online learning has been accelerated. In addition, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the incorporation of an online model in all institutions. The objective of this study is to conduct a review on mediation models in online environments and examine the publications from 2015 to 2021, encompassing 61 articles resulting from the integration of the terms “model,” “mediation,” and “online learning.” The methodology employed corresponds to a systematic literature review, using content analysis as the technique and applying filtering criteria of inclusion, exclusion, and quality to extract the most important data. Four research questions were formulated, aiming to uncover insights within the mediation models. The findings reveal information regarding (1) the prevalence of studies related to satisfaction, collaboration, and self-regulation; (2) theoretical and conceptual trends; (3) the purposes of the studies associated with pedagogical, technological, affective, and cognitive factors; and (4) the identified findings and types of innovation. This article contributes value to existing studies by determining the factors that a mediation model should consider when an online program emerges, thus serving as a reference for professionals, researchers, and those interested in the subject. Limitations arise from the selected databases and applied criteria, while implications pertain to the pedagogical, technological, and affective fields. |
URL | http://online-engineering.org/dl/iJET/iJET_vol18_no18_2023.pdf |
DOI | 10.3991/ijet.v18i18.37721 |