Title | |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Año de publicación | 2019 |
Authors | Trindade, B, Pocinho, R, Serrano, J, PAULO, RUI, Rodríguez-Conde, MJ |
Journal | Journal of Human Sport and Exercise. 2019, 14(Proc4): S1169-S1823. doi:10.14198/jhse.2019.14.Proc4.82 |
Volumen | https://doi.org/10.14198/jhse.2019.14.Proc4.82 |
Start Page | https://doi.org/10.14198/jhse.2019.14.Proc4.82 |
Páginas | VOLUME 14 | Proc4 | 2019 | S1541 |
ISSN | 1988-5202 |
Keywords | Keywords: Sociocultural animation; Child education; Non-formal education; Growth. |
Resumen | The use of a methodology based on a non-formal education, in which the practice of play activities is valued, is in accordance with the methodologies recommended for the education of the future. It is up to the Technicians of Sociocultural Animation to apply the theoretical foundations in the educational and social aspects of the children, with the aim of promoting and developing their capacities and, consequently, their growth as a person. This study, carried out in a school context, proposes to know better the role of Sociocultural Animation in the education of the children and, through the obtained results, to enable the educational community about the importance that the Sociocultural Animation has in the educational future. Participated 609 students and 36 teachers from the School Grouping, 1º St Cycle School. The questionnaire "Adaptation of the Program Implementation Assessment Scale" was administered to collect information from students and teachers regarding the importance and impact of socio-cultural animation in the school context. From the descriptive statistical analysis it was possible to verify that students and teachers recognize the importance of non-formal education to promote school success and prevent social exclusion, and contributes to a more harmonious development of children, which makes them more autonomous and happier, influencing the well-being of the educational communities in which they are inserted. Keywords: Sociocultural animation; Child education; Non-formal education; Growth.The use of a methodology based on a non-formal education, in which the practice of play activities is valued, is in accordance with the methodologies recommended for the education of the future. It is up to the Technicians of Sociocultural Animation to apply the theoretical foundations in the educational and social aspects of the children, with the aim of promoting and developing their capacities and, consequently, their growth as a person. This study, carried out in a school context, proposes to know better the role of Sociocultural Animation in the education of the children and, through the obtained results, to enable the educational community about the importance that the Sociocultural Animation has in the educational future. Participated 609 students and 36 teachers from the School Grouping, 1º St Cycle School. The questionnaire "Adaptation of the Program Implementation Assessment Scale" was administered to collect information from students and teachers regarding the importance and impact of socio-cultural animation in the school context. From the descriptive statistical analysis it was possible to verify that students and teachers recognize the importance of non-formal education to promote school success and prevent social exclusion, and contributes to a more harmonious development of children, which makes them more autonomous and happier, influencing the well-being of the educational communities in which they are inserted. Keywords: Sociocultural animation; Child education; Non-formal education; Growth. ABSTRACT The use of a methodology based on a non-formal education, in which the practice of play activities is valued, is in accordance with the methodologies recommended for the education of the future. It is up to the Technicians of Sociocultural Animation to apply the theoretical foundations in the educational and social aspects of the children, with the aim of promoting and developing their capacities and, consequently, their growth as a person. This study, carried out in a school context, proposes to know better the role of Sociocultural Animation in the education of the children and, through the obtained results, to enable the educational community about the importance that the Sociocultural Animation has in the educational future. Participated 609 students and 36 teachers from the School Grouping, 1º St Cycle School. The questionnaire "Adaptation of the Program Implementation Assessment Scale" was administered to collect information from students and teachers regarding the importance and impact of socio-cultural animation in the school context. From the descriptive statistical analysis it was possible to verify that students and teachers recognize the importance of non-formal education to promote school success and prevent social exclusion, and contributes to a more harmonious development of children, which makes them more autonomous and happier, influencing the well-being of the educational communities in which they are inserted. Keywords: Sociocultural animation; Child education; Non-formal education; Growth. |
URL | https://rua.ua.es/dspace/bitstream/10045/97307/1/JHSE-SIEFLAS_Papers_Proceedings.pdf |
DOI | 10.14198/jhse.2019.14.Proc4.82 |
Reprint Edition | https://rua.ua.es/dspace/bitstream/10045/97307/1/JHSE-SIEFLAS_Papers_Proceedings.pdf |