Failure rates in Maths and CS1:Are they associated?

Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Año de publicación2023
AuthorsBigotte de Almeida, ME, Gomes, A, Margalho, L, Branco, JR, Fidalgo, C
Nombre de la Conferencia2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Fecha de publicación05/2023
Conference LocationSalmiya, Kuwait, American University of Kuwait

Programming is a fundamental part of informatics engineering curriculum, but it is often problematic. Mathematical knowledge is very important for programming and there are studies evidencing some relationship between programming skills and experience in mathematics. In this exploratory study, developed in Coimbra Institute of Engineering, we observed an high rate of abstention from evaluations and, from students that performed evaluation, most of them have similar results on both curricular units. This relationship forces us to pay particular
attention to the Differential and Integral Calculus curricular unit integrated in the curriculum of informatics engineering degrees, which also shows high failure rates. This justifies an intervention in terms of complementary actions, to allow the development of competencies in terms of logical reasoning and problem solving, competencies evidenced as necessary to learn programming.