Engaging a Calculus Course with Telepresence through Gamification

Publication TypeConference Paper
Año de publicación2020
AuthorsRincón-Flores, EG
EditorLopez-Camacho, E
Tertiary AuthorsLopez, OOlmos
Nombre de la Conferencia2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Conference LocationPorto, Portugal

The research shows the effects of Gamification applied in a Calculus course with telepresence and holographic projection. The Gamification was applied to engage irregular students in the Calculus course. It was applied with a rewards mechanic with the superpowers narrative, from which the students earned points for both, cognitive aspects, and attitudes and values. The results showed a positive acceptance by the students, an improvement in attendance and an improvement in the second evaluation, which includes activities, tasks, and an exam. 
