Title | |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Año de publicación | 2018 |
Authors | López, V, Martín del Pozo, M, Basilotta, V, Hernández-Martín, A, Iglesias, A, González-Rodero, L |
Nombre de la Conferencia | 4º Encontro sobre Jogos e Mobile Learning |
Fecha de publicación | 05/2018 |
Publisher | Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX, Universidad de Coimbra |
Conference Location | Coimbra, Portugal |
ISBN | 978-972-8627-79-9 |
Keywords | behavioral change, Education, Serious Games, video games |
Resumen | The benefits of incorporating digital games into the educational environment are not exclusively motivational. A school environment enriched with the features of games can allow students to develop their own pace through individual feedback, in addition to strengthening skills |
URL | https://ejml2018.wixsite.com/fpceuc |
Título Traducido | Beneficios educations de los serious games en el contexto de un proyecto de investigación H2020 sobre bullying y uso seguro de Internet |