TEEM'20: Eighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality

Fecha de finalización: 

Paper - Methodological guide for the successful use of digital technologies in education: Improvement of learning through European educational projects

    The purpose of this article is to set out the research plan for thedoctoral thesis, which deals with the denition of a methodologicalguide for the successful use of digital technologies in education,especially in eLearning, taking as a reference European educationalprojects that have been successful in achieving an improvementin the teaching and learning process. We live in an increasinglydigital society that requires citizens to be prepared to adapt to theneeds of the moment and to solve the problems that arise. For thisto be possible, the education system must be prepared to adequatelytrain future citizens who will join a changing labor market. To thisend, teachers must be trained and know how to carry out ecienteducational projects that allow them to make the most of the poten-tial of ICT in the classroom or in distance education. The situationexperienced during the 2019-2020 school year with the COVID-19pandemic has tested the education system and its ability to adaptto a situation where the use of distance education was requiredand where ICT was very much needed in most of the cases to bringeducation to the homes. These factors make it very necessary towork for a better teaching professionalization. Therefore, the mainobjective of this PhD work is to enable teachers to design theirprojects, involving electronic learning, in a more eective way. Toachieve this, what better than to use the educational projects com-piled in the Erasmus+ results platform, which allow the analysis ofproject typology, outcomes, topics and to see those that have beencatalogued as a good practice or success story. This database willbe a key tool to gather information together with the collaborationof the main actors of those projects that have been successful. Amethodological guide would allow teachers and teacher trainers toknow the key factors that help to achieve a good design of educa-tional projects and allow an optimal use of ICT resources and thegreatest impact on the teaching-learning process.

    Vídeo: https://youtu.be/GSHf183aSsg

    Paper - Overview of European educational projects on eLearning and related methodologies: Data from Erasmus+ Project Results Platform

    Collecting data from Erasmus+ projects related to eLearning andthe associated methodologies in order to detect those that have beenidentied as good practice or success story could be very usefulin order to help teachers to dene success projects in thateld. Inorder to compile projects of interest, we have the Erasmus+ ProjectResults Platform, which has a very useful information database tolocate educational projects that have been funded by the EuropeanUnion. This database compiles European educational projects thathave been developed in Erasmus+ and also in previous programssuch as Lifelong Learning Programme since 2007. The advantageof using this tool is that it has a search engine that allows you tosearch by keywords and has dierent criteria tolter. It also allowsyou to export up to a maximum of 1000 projects per search in excelformat with basic data from theltered projects. Therefore, usingthis tool is key to be able to identify good practices in Europeaneducational projects that serve as a reference tond the parametersuseful for learning improvement. This article presents the maindata collected from the analysis of educational projects that areconnected with eLearning and related methodologies in the afore-mentioned platform. It also denes which ones will be selectedto be able to address an adequate analysis that is manageable tocarry out the denition of a methodological guide. As a result ofthe initial analysis, it is considered appropriate to carry out a re-view of the projects linked to eLearning in KA1 and KA2 actionsthat have more than 50 projects connected to this topic, involvingeducational centers, and that are labelled as good practice and /or success story. With the projects that meet these criteria, thereis enough information to achieve the objectives of the researchin order to be able to design a methodological guide with the keyaspects for implementing eLearning projects.

    Vídeo: https://youtu.be/I6ywnHv3v28