Seminar: Advantages of an Online Platform to Extend the Mentor's Reach

Fecha de finalización: 

Busy mentors would love to reach more proteges with our limited time, so Dr. Gomez discussed creating an online website as your outreach support tool. Mentors are encouraged to record their advice-i.e., answers to your proteges’ frequently asked questions-in an electronic format for greater distribution and for posterity. Leave this session with a greater understanding of how to convey efficiently and distribute widely the critical information our proteges, employees, and students need for strategic self-preparation for pursing the next steps in their career. Proteges will benefit from the on-demand 24/7 online access to your career advice and your assembled resources on best practices in the field. Dr. Gomez will show two illustrations of online websites that both extend the mentor’s reach and draw in proteges to pursue developmental mentoring relationships.